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Where the Heck is the Number 1 on My Typewriter???

Ok, I thought I was really silly when I couldn't find the number 1 on my old typewriter, but come to find out, there really isn't a separate key on the typewriter for the number 1. Turns out, there is not exclamation point either (more about that in a min). So I thought I would stop by for a quick post and share with you what I learned.

Here is a picture of my typewriter. It is a Penncrest Caravelle typewriter (I believe sold at JC Penny - circa ~1950s).

So to get a number 1, you use a lowercase "L". For an exclamation point, you can use the apostrophe above the number 8 and then backspace and use a period. The exclamation point is not perfect, but it works.

Hopefully this helped someone out. Thanks for stopping by.

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